Considering the DRAFT Decision of the Evaluation Body

Genossenschaften have been put on the list Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity despite the negative advice of the Unesco Evaluation Body. Below the reasoning for accepting the nomination.

Decision of the Intergovernmental Committee: 11.COM 10.B.14

The Committee

  • Takes note that Germany has nominated Idea and practice of organizing shared interests in cooperatives (No. 01200) for inscription on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity:

A cooperative is an association of volunteers that provides services of a social, cultural or economic nature to members of the community to help improve living standards, overcome shared challenges and promote positive change. Based on the subsidiarity principle that puts personal responsibility above state action, cooperatives allow for community building through shared interests and values creating innovative solutions to societal problems, from generating employment and assisting seniors to urban revitalization and renewable energy projects. Anyone can participate, with members also able to acquire shares in the association and have a say in its future direction. The system makes available low-interest loans to farmers, craftspeople and entrepreneurs. Today, about a quarter of Germany’s population are members of a cooperative, which besides farmers and craftspeople, includes 90 per cent of its bakers and butchers and 75 per cent of its retailers. Some cooperatives have also been set up specifically for students to gain experience. Associated knowledge and skills are transmitted by cooperatives, universities, the German Cooperative and Raiffeisen Confederation, the Akademie Deutscher Genossenschaften, the German Hermann-Schulze-Delitzsch Society and the German Friedrich-Wilhelm-Raiffeisen Society.

  • Decides that, from the information included in the file, the nomination satisfies the following criteria:

R.1:   The idea and practice of pursuing shared interests in cooperatives has been handed down in Germany from generation to generation and constitutes intangible cultural heritage as defined in Article 2 of the Convention. While collaboration through cooperatives is a worldwide phenomenon, specific characteristics of the community in Germany have been highlighted in the nomination. Mutual respect, equality and solidarity between the bearers are guaranteed by law, resulting from the initiative of the community. Social and cultural purposes are prominent among the shared interests pursued through cooperatives. Throughout Germany, two large associations of volunteers jointly promote the transmission of knowledge and the social practice. All practitioners of the element identify with this community in social, cultural and economic terms;

R.2:   The element’s inscription will contribute to ensuring visibility and awareness of intangible cultural heritage because the large number of bearers and practitioners in Germany will act as multipliers in various domains of daily life like education and culture, house building and renting, agriculture, skilled crafts, transport, credit system etc. Due to its effectiveness in satisfying existential needs, the element clearly shows the part played by intangible cultural heritage in ensuring social cohesion and sustainable development. Inscription will also encourage dialogue among communities with similar cooperative organizations, and the promotion of certain values, such as solidarity;

R.3:   The viability of the element is being ensured by initiatives carried out by the German Hermann-Schulze-Delitzsch Society and the German Friedrich-Wilhelm-Raiffeisen Society, with the support of the submitting State. New safeguarding measures are proposed such as public relations campaigns, competitions, work in schools on the topic of cooperatives, and a cross-border thematic cultural hiking trail. The file recognizes that the element could be decontextualized by legal frameworks that undermine its basic principles and that ongoing negotiations in this respect are necessary. German development cooperation promotes the element in other countries as a response to societal challenges only if and where local partners express such a need and in strict compliance with national laws and regulations of the countries concerned;

R.4:  The file was prepared with the cooperation of representatives of the German Hermann‑Schulze-Delitzsch Society and the German Friedrich-Wilhelm-Raiffeisen Society. The file presents letters expressing the free, prior and informed consent of these two representative institutions. The broad-based consultation with the variety of stakeholders of the element has been carried out in an extensive participatory process of national inventorying (2013). Support for the element’s nomination for inscription on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity was confirmed via the public media and through internal communication processes within the cooperatives;

R.5:   The file presents a relevant extract of inscription of the element on the German Inventory of Intangible Cultural Heritage in 2014. Traditional bearers, communities and non-governmental organizations were involved in the inscription process. The inventory is organized, maintained and updated by the German National Commission for UNESCO.

  • Inscribes Idea and practice of organizing shared interests in cooperatives on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity;

Thanks the delegation of Germany for the clarifications provided to the Committee on the information included in the file concerning criteria R.1, R.2, R.3 and R.4.

Negatief advies Co-operatieve beweging als Werelderfgoed

De Co-operatieve beweging is aangewezen als UNESCO Werelderfgoed ondanks een negatief advies. Hieronder is het negative advies te lezen. We hopen binnenkort ook de overwegingen te publiceren waarmee de Genossenschaften ondanks dit advies toch Werelderfgoed geworden zijn.


The Committee

  1. Takes note that Germany has nominated Idea and practice of organizing shared interests in cooperatives (No. 01200) for inscription on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity:

A cooperative is an association of volunteers that provides services of a social, cultural or economic nature to members of the community to help improve living standards, overcome shared challenges and promote positive change. Based on the subsidiarity principle that puts personal responsibility above state action, cooperatives allow for community building through shared interests and values creating innovative solutions to societal problems, from generating employment and assisting seniors to urban revitalization and renewable energy projects. Anyone can participate, with members also able to acquire shares in the association and have a say in its future direction. The system makes available low-interest loans to farmers, craftspeople and entrepreneurs. Today, about a quarter of Germany’s population are members of a cooperative, which besides farmers and craftspeople, includes 90 per cent of its bakers and butchers and 75 per cent of its retailers. Some cooperatives have also been set up specifically for students to gain experience. Associated knowledge and skills are transmitted by cooperatives, universities, the German Cooperative and Raiffeisen Confederation, the Akademie Deutscher Genossenschaften, the German Hermann-Schulze-Delitzsch Society and the German Friedrich-Wilhelm-Raiffeisen Society.

  1. Decides that, from the information included in the file, the nomination satisfies the following criterion:

R.5:   The file presents a relevant extract of inscription of the element on the German Inventory of Intangible Cultural Heritage in 2014. Traditional bearers, communities and non-governmental organizations were involved in the inscription process. The inventory is organized, maintained and updated by the German National Commission for UNESCO.

  1. Further decides that the information included in the file is not sufficient to allow the Committee to determine whether the following criteria are satisfied:

R.1:   Although the idea and practice of pursuing shared interests in cooperatives has been handed down in Germany from generation to generation, the nomination does not adequately demonstrate that this constitutes intangible cultural heritage as defined in Article 2 of the Convention. The file is considered generally ambiguous: it places emphasis on the notion of collaboration through cooperatives, and on the worldwide understanding of cooperatives, rather than on the specific characteristics that define cooperatives and associated practices for the community or communities concerned with this particular nomination. The bearers and practitioners of the element are not clearly defined and it is therefore unclear whether communities concerned only include members of German Hermann-Schulze-Delitzsch Society and the German Friedrich-Wilhelm-Raiffeisen Society, the German Cooperative and Raiffeisen Confederation, or everyone involved in cooperatives in Germany;

R.2:   Given the difficulty to clearly define the element in question, it is difficult to understand how a possible inscription would contribute to ensuring visibility and awareness of intangible cultural heritage. While the file indicates that inscription would encourage dialogue among communities with similar cooperative organizations, and the promotion of certain values, such as solidarity, the nomination file does not clearly define how such an inscription would enhance the visibility of intangible cultural heritage in general;

R.3:   The viability of the element is being ensured by initiatives carried out by the German Hermann-Schulze-Delitzsch Society and the German Friedrich-Wilhelm-Raiffeisen Society, with the support of the submitting State. New safeguarding measures are proposed such as public relations campaigns, competitions, work in schools on the topic of cooperatives, and a cross-border thematic cultural hiking trail. The file recognizes that the element could be decontextualized by legal frameworks that undermine its basic principles and that ongoing negotiations in this respect are necessary. Furthermore, the proposed promotion of the element in other countries could be considered as inappropriate and not in the spirit of the Convention;

R.4:  The file was prepared with the cooperation of representatives of the German Hermann‑Schulze-Delitzsch Society and the German Friedrich-Wilhelm-Raiffeisen Society. The file presents letters expressing the free, prior and informed consent of these two representative institutions. Given the difficulty to clearly understand the contours of the communities concerned with this element, the consultative process however appears to have been somewhat top-down and the range of evidence for consent provided does not appear to reflect the variety of stakeholders consulted.

  1. Decides to refer the nomination of Idea and practice of organizing shared interests in cooperatives to the submitting State and invites it to resubmit the nomination to the Committee for examination during a following cycle.


Gennossenschaftsidee und Praxis in die UNESCO Liste

Pressemitteilung, 30. November 2016


Der Zwischenstaatliche Ausschuss zum Immateriellen Kulturerbe hat heute in Addis Abeba die Idee und Praxis der Genossenschaft als ersten deutschen Beitrag in die Repräsentative Liste des Immateriellen Kulturerbes aufgenommen. Die Genossenschaft ist eine allen offen stehende Form der gesellschaftlichen Selbstorganisation, ein Modell der
kooperativen Selbsthilfe und Selbstverantwortung. Weltweit wirken etwa 800 Millionen Genossenschaftsmitglieder in über 100 Ländern an ihrer Umsetzung und der Weitergabe des Wissens rund um diese Organisationsform mit, 21 Millionen davon in Deutschland. Die hohe Anzahl von Genossenschaftsmitgliedern in Deutschland und die rechtliche
Absicherung ihrer Grundsätze durch ein Genossenschaftsgesetz sind im internationalen Vergleich Besonderheiten. Seit 2014 ist die Idee der Genossenschaften bereits im deutschen Verzeichnis des Immateriellen Kulturerbes eingetragen.

Prof. Dr. Maria Böhmer, Staatsministerin im Auswärtigen Amt:„Genossenschaften gibt es auf der ganzen Welt. Ihre Arbeit ist eine Antwort auf aktuelle gesellschaftliche Herausforderungen. Sie leisten einen Beitrag zur nachhaltigen Entwicklung beispielsweise durch Armutsreduzierung über lokale Beschäftigung und soziale Integration. Ich freue mich sehr, dass diese erste deutsche Nominierung das Völkerverbindende in den Vordergrund stellt. Die Kulturform der Genossenschaften verbindet uns mit Menschen auf der ganzen Welt!“

Claudia Bogedan, Präsidentin der Kultusministerkonferenz und Bremens Senatorin für Kinder und Bildung: „Die Anerkennung der Genossenschaften als Immaterielles Kulturerbe belegt den Beitrag Immateriellen Kulturerbes zu sozialem Zusammenhalt. In Genossenschaften kommt bürgerschaftliches Engagement jenseits von privaten und staatlichen Wirtschaftsformen zum Ausdruck. Die Genossenschaftsfamilie verstand sich von jeher als eine an sozialen
Werten orientierte Bewegung, die auf ideellen Grundsätzen wie Solidarität, Ehrlichkeit, Verantwortung, Demokratie aufbauend eine alternative Wirtschaftsform bildet.“

Genossenschaften in Deutschland

Eine Genossenschaft ist eine freiwillige Vereinigung von Menschen mit gleichen Interessen, die individuelles Engagement und Selbstbewusstsein fördert und soziale, kulturelle und ökonomische Partizipation ermöglicht.
Mitglieder werden durch den Erwerb von Genossenschaftsanteilen zu Miteigentümern. Ihre, von der Zahl der erworbenen Anteile unabhängige Stimme sichert ihnen Mitbestimmung und die Möglichkeit der aktiven Mitgestaltung zu. Dies ist ein besonderer Ausdruck von Solidarität und gemeinsamer Verantwortung. Hermann Schulze-Delitzsch und
Friedrich Wilhelm Raiffeisen legten Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts in Deutschland wichtige Grundlagen für die heutige

DUK-Webseite zur Genossenschaftsidee
Portraitserie Genossenschaften in Deutschland
Interview mit Genossenschaftlerin Olga Brandin
Informationen zur Tagung des Zwischenstaatlichen Ausschusses zum Immateriellen Kulturerbe

Deutsche UNESCO-Kommission
Katja Römer
Tel. +49 288 60497-42
Mobil +49 177 4799530
Deutsche UNESCO-Kommission e.V. • Colmantstraße 15 • 53115 Bonn
Telefon: 0228-60497-44 • Internet:
Die Deutsche UNESCO-Kommission (DUK) ist Deutschlands Mittlerorganisation
für multilaterale Politik in Bildung, Wissenschaft, Kultur und Kommunikation.
Seit ihrer Gründung 1950 bringt die DUK den Sachverstand aus Politik
und Zivilgesellschaft für die Ziele der UNESCO zusammen.
Pressemitteilung abbestellen

Schultze-Delitzsch Gesellschaft supports nomination Dutch National Inventory

The Hermann Schultze-Delitzsch Gesellschaft supports the nomination of the Governors’ and Memento Mori Associations of Nieuwendam. They regard the co-operative movement as elementary for the Dutch Inventory of Intangible Cultural Heritage.

The Schultze-Delitzsch Gesellschaft is one of the two organisations that has put forward an application for the Genossenschaften on the Word Heritage List of UNESCO. The nomination will be discussed in the week of 28 november 2016 in Addis Abeba on a UNESCO convention.


(Following: an excerpt from Wikipedia 11-’16)

Franz Hermann Schulze-Delitzsch (29 August 1808 – 29 April 1883) was a German politician and economist. He was responsible for the organizing of the world’s first credit unions. He was also co-founder of the German Progress Party.

Schultze-Delitzsch devoted himself to the organization and development of co-operation in Germany, and to the foundation of Vorschussvereine(peoples’ banks), of which he had established the first at Delitzsch in 1850. In 1859 the more than 200 such banks were centrally organized under the direction of Schulze-Delitzsch. He promoted the first Genossenschaftstag, a co-operative meeting, in Weimar, and founded a central bureau of co-operative societies. In 1861 he again entered the Prussian Chamber, and became a prominent member of the Progressist party.

The spread of these co-operative organizations naturally led to legislation on the subject, and this too was chiefly the work of Schulze-Delitzsch. As a member of the Chamber in 1867 he was mainly instrumental in passing the Prussian law of association, which was extended to the North German Confederation in 1868, and later to the empire. Schulze-Delitzsch also contributed to uniformity of legislation throughout the states of Germany, in 1869, by the publication of Die Gesetzgebung über die privatrechtliche Stellung der Erwerbs- und Wirthschaftsgenossenschaften, etc.[1]

Both as a writer and a member of the Reichstag his industry was incessant, and he died in harness on 29 April 1883 at Potsdam, leaving the reputation of a benefactor to the smaller tradesmen and artisans. At the time of his death, there were in Germany alone 3,500 co-operative banking branches with more than $100,000,000 in deposits, while the system had been extended to Austria, Italy, Belgium and Russia.[2] His work was noteworthy enough to attain mention in Leo Tolstoy’s novel, Anna Karenina.

Wordt de vergaderplek van het Bazenbondje ook een co-orporatieve vereniging?

Het stamlokaal van verenging Ons Belang staat te koop. Op deze plek zijn veel vergaderingen van het Bazenbondje gehouden, het maakt daardoor deel uit van het erfgoed van de vereniging. Als de nieuwe koper van het cafe een woonhuis maakt is dat zeker een verarming voor de vereniging en en voor de buurt. Vandaar een gezamenlijk initiatief van buurtbewoners om het cafe te kopen. Een nieuw hoofdstuk in de Kroniek van een Bazenbondje breekt aan.


Co-operatief erfgoed binnen een lokale gemeenschap

De lokale krant de Echo besteedde op 9 november 2016 aandacht aan de verenigingen Ons Belang en Gedenkt te Sterven.

Deze organisaties hebben de co-operatieve beweging van Nederland genomineerd voor de Nationale Inventaris Immaterieel Cultureel Efgoed van Unesco Nederland. Het is heel treffend dat deze grassroots organisaties dit belangrijke nieuws bekend maken binnen de gemeenschap waar ze ook uit voort zijn gekomen. Ons Belang, een Broodfonds avant la lettre bestaat sinds 1905 en Gedenkt te Sterven, een uitvaartverzekering, is opgericht in het jaar 1828.





Wat het Verzet uit WOII te maken heeft met bescherming van Data.

Op donderdag 10 november vindt er een zeer speciale publiekspremière plaats van de spannende thriller img_2409Snowden. Na afloop van de voorstelling is er via live video verbinding een Q&A met de echte Edward Snowden vanuit Rusland!

De focus van de Q&A ligt op het onderwerp online privacy. Snowden wordt in 2013 wereldwijd bekend nadat hij geheime documenten over spionageactiviteiten van de Amerikaanse veiligheidsdienst NSA naar de media lekt. Om die reden loopt momenteel een FBI-arrestatiebevel tegen hem uit, waardoor de klokkenluider in Rusland verblijft. (Bron Pathe Bioscopen, 9 november 2016).

scan1944. Ook de klerk van de politie-administratie en zijn chef W.J.A. de Jager zetten een belangrijke stap. Zij doken onder toen Knook op 2 november 1944 te maken kreeg met een opdracht die afkomstig was van kolonel Boelstra.

Die verordonneerde namelijk dat er een lijst opgesteld moest worden met namen van Schiedamse politieambtenaren die in aanmerking kwamen voor de gehate Arbeidsinzet. Knook moest dat bevel uitvoeren en had het er moeilijk mee. Hij raadpleegde zijn chef de Jager en ook die vond het een onmogelijke taak. Beiden namen toen het besluit daar niet aan mee te werken en onder te duiken. Ze verschenen niet meer op het bureau nadat ze eerst een deel van de politieadministratie hadden meegenomen. Jan Knook dook onder en ook de Jager verdween spoorloos. ze werden niet door de Duitsers gevonden. (Bron: Schaduwen over Schiedam, gebeurtenissen en belevenissen tijdens de bezettingsjaren 1940-’45, uitgave Fonds Historische Publicaties Schiedam i.s.m. Historisch Archief Schiedam).

In archieven, mail en telefoonbestanden van burgers wordt regelmatig ingebroken door spionagediensten als de CIA en NSA. Ook andere grootmachten doen daar aan mee. Wikileaks en de onthullingen van Edward Snowdon maken duidelijk dat dat op grote schaal gebeurt.

De overeenkomst tussen de Nazis uit 1944 en de Amerikanen van nu lijkt vergezocht. Het gevaar van repressie ligt echter wel op de loer. Het probleem is namelijk dat veel overheden niet democratisch accountable willen zijn voor hun onderzoeksactiviteieten. De VS is via de NSA al overgegaan tot maatregelen als het onder druk zetten van instanties als Google en Facebook. Deze worden gedwongen om hun gegevens af te staan. Gegevens van Mail en telefoon worden ook afgetapt, wereldwijs. Misschien wordt het tijd om te zeggen, samen met  W.J.A. de Jager en vele anderen uit die tijd, dat inzage in persoonlijke gegevens en bedrijfsmatige data niet zonder meer toegestaan kan worden. De geschiedenis wijst uit dat het verstandig is om archieven en data te beschermen. Om over het recht op vrijheid en privacy maar niet te spreken.

Over de gevolgen van het onderduiken van W.J.A. de Jager. 

De vrouw en zeven kinderen van W.J.A. de Jager werden, na het verdonkeremanen van de politiearchieven, regelmatig gepest door de Duitsers, die hem graag te pakken wilden nemen. Om represailles te ontlopen is het gezin, verspreid over verschillende gezinnen, ondergedoken. Op de dag van de Razzia van Rotterdam, op 10 november 1944, verbleef de 17-jarige zoon van W.J.A. de Jager, Wim, in het huis van een vriend, Frans Mineur. De vader van Frans besloot tegemoet te komen aan het bevel van de Duitsers, Frans moest maar gaan. Wim had daardoor ook geen onderdak meer en ging, ten arren moede, met zijn vriend Frans op pad naar de schuiten die ze via Wezep naar Duitsland zouden brengen.

Kijk ook op:

Co-operative Movement of the Netherlands on the National Inventory Intangible Cultural Heritage?

tempel blauwFoundation Journey of the Razzia (Reis van de Razzia) has put forward a proposal to list the Co-operative Movement of the Netherlands on the National Inventory of Intangible Cultural Heritage.

The proposal wil be evaluated in November 2016, somewhere at the time the German application to put the Genossenschaften on the Word heritage reference list of UNESCO wil be decided. The Dutch proposal is effectively put forward by the Associations ‘To Our Avail’ and ‘Memento Mori’. The proposal is backed by the National Co-operative Museum. 

(The following comes from the research report). 

The research project ‘Chronicle of a Gov’s Association’ has established by fact that the Association “To Our Avail” is not an isolated biotope. The Association was able to respond adequately to the evolving economical circumstances and this has contributed to her longevity. “To Our Avail”’ has also empowered the local community for more than a century by strengthening social cohesion. Apart from that, the flexibility of the economy increased because the cooperative movements lead to a greater diversity of business structures. 

The attention for cooperative forms can be traced back to the early Middle Ages. ”At that time”, argues Prof. De Moor, ”there was a Silent Revolution, because it didn’t evolve riots, but the construction of new social institutions”. The current economical cycles we are experiencing are, according to the De Moor, evidence of a new Silent Revolution. New Business-models increasingly incorporate cooperative principles as a solution for the dwindling Welfare-State. Nevertheless, despite her longstanding history, the cooperative principles are not always being carried forward by businesses presenting themselves as “commons”. The up and coming Sharing Economy and changing structures of some well-known Cooperative Banks seriously contribute to this wide-spread disorientation. 

Nurturing of and promoting the cooperative principles encourages new forms of Institutions for Collective Action orientate and helps to prevent confusion. The project ‘Chronicle of The Governor’s Association’ provides a modest contribution by securing the importance and the history of this local cooperative through immortalizing the personal stories and minutes of ”To Our Avail” and by situating them in the context of their times. In line with this we propose the Cooperative Movement as a suitable candidate for the Dutch National Intangible Heritage Inventory.[1] At present our request coincides with the current application to the UNESCO Commission Germany for the Genossenshaften to be included on the Representative List for the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. The Association “To Our Avail” is very proud to be part of this movement and is looking forward to see the German application for UNESCO accepted by November 2016.

(Translation: Jeanette Tierney)

De Coöperatieve Beweging op de Nationale Inventaris Immaterieel Cultureel Erfgoed

De verenigingen Ons Belang (1905) en Gedenkt te Sterven (1828) hebben een aanvraag ingediend om de Coöperatieve Beweging op de Nationale Inventaris Immaterieel Cultureel Erfgoed geplaatst te krijgen. De aanvraag wordt ondersteund door het Nationaal Cooperatie Museum en wordt onderbouwd door het researchproject Kroniek van een Bazenbondje dat met medewerking van de researchgroep ‘Institutions for Collective Action’ van de Universiteit van Utrecht tot stand is gekomen. De toetsingscommisie buigt zich in november over de aanvraag, de datum is nog niet bekend. Deze Nederlandse aanvraag loopt parallel aan die van de Duitse Friedrich Wilhelm Raiffaisen en het Hermann Schultze-Delitzsch Gesellschaften, die een voordracht hebben gedaan om de Genossenschaften op de Werelderfgoedlijst van Unesco te plaatsen.